
Homeland of volcanoes: Krakatau, Merapi, Bromo, Semeru, Ijen, Tambora, Karangetang, Ibu, Dukono...

Semeru volcano
Semeru volcano
Visit Krakatoa, Merapi, Bromo, Semeru, Ijen and many other volcanoes. Explore the past and present evidence of volcanic activity, but Indonesia offers much more than volcanoes: dramatic landscapes, wonderful beaches, thousands of islands, and bustling villages, a great number of different cultures and exquisite cuisine. Visitors are delighted by the friendliness of the Indonesian people.
Nowhere else you will find such a unique combination and variety of active volcanoes, most of them relatively easy to access and with much less viewing restrictions than in most other parts of the world. Add safe travel conditions, friendly culture, gorgeous food and climate... Not by coincidence, Indonesia has been among out top destinations since we started our tour company in 2004!
Over the years, we have created a very efficient, trusted network of enthusiast and expert guides and logistic crews that make sure you will get the best out of every expedition to this wonderful country.

Link: Browse through thousands of photos from our past tours and expeditions on our Indonesia photo pages on
Dates Tour / Difficulty Price per person Difficulty
Aug From Krakatau to Bali tour 2-17 Aug 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Photography tour: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3180 € $£¥
Volcanoes of Java: 18 days trekking tour 3-19 Aug 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Trekking: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3120 € $£¥
Sep From Krakatau to Bali tour 2-17 Sep 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Photography tour: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3180 € $£¥
Volcanoes of North Sulawesi - walking tour to discover Lokon, Mahawu and Soputan volcanoes 2-18 Sep 2024
Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
Trekking: active volcanoes - nature & culture - photography
3570 € $£¥
Volcanoes of Java: 18 days trekking tour 3-19 Sep 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Trekking: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3120 € $£¥
Oct From Krakatau to Bali tour 7-22 Oct 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Photography tour: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3180 € $£¥
Volcanoes of North Sulawesi - walking tour to discover Lokon, Mahawu and Soputan volcanoes 7-23 Oct 2024
Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
Trekking: active volcanoes - nature & culture - photography
3570 € $£¥
Nov From Krakatau to Bali tour 4-19 Nov 2024
Java (Indonesia)
Photography tour: active volcanoes - nature & culture
3180 € $£¥
Volcanoes of North Sulawesi - walking tour to discover Lokon, Mahawu and Soputan volcanoes 4-20 Nov 2024
Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
Trekking: active volcanoes - nature & culture - photography
3570 € $£¥
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out

From Krakatau to Bali

Java (Indonesia)
16-day study and photo tour to Java, Indonesia
Custom and group dates
2-17 Aug 2024
2-17 Sep 2024
7-22 Oct 2024
Price 3180 € $£¥

Volcanoes and Spices

Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
17-day volcano trekking tour to the Molucca Sea: N-Sulawesi, Karangetang and Halmahera
2-18 Sep 2024
7-23 Oct 2024
4-20 Nov 2024
Price 3570 € $£¥

Krakatau Volcano Special

West Java (Indonesia)
expedition to study & observe Anak Krakatau volcano and its activity
Custom and group dates
Price 1340 € $£¥

Volcanoes of Java

Java (Indonesia)
17-day walking and trekking tour on Java
3-19 Aug 2024
3-19 Sep 2024
Price 3120 € $£¥

Bromo, Semeru, Ijen

East Java (Indonesia)
trekking tour to Semeru, Bromo, Ijen volcanoes (East Java)
Custom and group dates
Price depending on nr of persons and itinerary

Volcanoes of East Java

East Java (Indonesia)
5 days walking tour to Bromo, Semeru and Ijen (Incl. Semeru observatory)
Custom tour dates
Price depending on nr of people and program

Sinabung Volcano Special

Sumatra (Indonesia)
5 days volcano expedition to Sinabung volcano, Sumatra
Custom and group dates
Price 1490 € $£¥
Home > Destinations > Indonesia
Sources: VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures and other sources as noted.
Use of material: Most text and images on our websites are owned by us. Re-use is generally not permitted without authorization. Contact us for licensing rights.
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