
Tours to Iceland: discover breathtaking volcanic landscapes in the land of fire and ice!

Born by the activity of a powerful, giant volcanic hot spot deep under the mid-Atlantic ridge, where the American and European plates separate, Iceland has it all: volcanoes, glaciers, fire and ice, moon-like and bizarre landscapes, geysers, colorful hydrothermal areas, green lakes, wild rivers and imposing waterfalls.
Despite sometimes rough climate, it is very well organized for every kind of traveler and is home to some of the most hospital people. Unnecessary to say, it is almost a "must" for everyone interested in volcanoes.
Dates Tour / Difficulty Price per person Difficulty
Sep 2025 Photographic expedition to Iceland 2-16 Sep 2025
Photography tour: geology & volcanism - photography - wildlife
4690 € $£¥
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out
15-day geology and photo tour to Iceland
2-16 Sep 2025
Price 4690 € $£¥
Home > Destinations > Iceland
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