Expedition to Erta Ale & Dallol 7-19 Feb 2016: few spaces left!

Mi, 16 Dez 2015, 15:22 | VON: TOM
We can guarantee the next expedition to the fascinating Danakil with active Erta Ale and Dallol from 7-19 Feb 2016. This is your chance to see one of the planet's most beautiful and interesting areas!

Vorherige Nachrichten

16 / 12 / 2015

Colima Volcano Special 4-8 January 2016 (5 days expedition to observe and photograph Colima volcano, Mexico)

At the moment (16 Dec 2015), Colima is again in a particularly active state. A new intense phase of explosions, often with spectacular eruption lightning has started and could be a precursor to a new phase of lava dome growth. ... Read all
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