Colima Volcano Special 14-18 July 2015 (5 days expedition to observe and photograph Colima volcano, Mexico)

Fr, 10 Jul 2015, 21:38 | VON: TOM
At the moment, Colima is in a particularly active state. A new lava dome has started to grow in early July 2015 and has been producing intermittent spectacular explosions with tall ash plumes and incandescent ejections, and glowing rockfalls and pyroclastic flows.
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Vorherige Nachrichten

24 / 06 / 2015

Sakurajima Volcano Special 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2015 (5-days volcano expedition to observe Sakurajima volcano's activity from close)

Sakurajima volcano in Japan is the best volcano to visit for spectacular vulcanian-type explosions, often with beautiful volcanic lightning. In addition, it is one of the most beautiful and interesting volcanoes of Japan, when it comes to its geography, geologic history as well as the current activity. Read all
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